We serve intentionally in ways that our students and teachers need us to. We care about Black students and refuse to allow them to be targeted or mistreated. We are UNAPOLOGETIC!! We lead with love & purpose. Our unique approach fused with common sense, honesty, empathy and policy experience makes us a force in any space we come into.
Check out what we have been up to...
It has been a very busy time for BYLP regarding our advocacy work and programming. We kicked off BYLP G.O.A.T. written and facilitated by Ms. Cherina and co-facilitated by Michael Shaw. BYLP Student Ambassador Program was launched to give students more ownership in BYLP and our programs. BYLP The Village spent several days on campus checking on the students at Rio Americano High School following the viral post of the alleged "District-wide High School No Black People Policy." We also had a chance to travel to San Jose, CA to support teacher, Ms. Hillary McHenry, in her quest to have the District take action and make some improvements on her middle school campus after she was the victim of a hate crime (link embedded in picture). We've only received 3 complaints this month!!! We will continue to work out front and behind the scenes to advocate so that Black student issues are kept in the forefront and that we provide a support network for students, families and teachers in need of one.
Though much of its history was eclipsed by the explosiveness of the 1960s, the essential role the nation’s historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) played in shaping black life, creating a black middle class and dismantling segregation cannot be overstated.
Say HELLO to our newest Board Members!
Meet Cherina
Cherina’s adventures in education began in the hallways of Valley High School, where she was nurtured but also saw the disparity in education. After finishing high school in three years she completed her Bachelor Degrees in Black History, Social Science, Pan African Diaspora Studies and English in 2004, followed up by a M.S in Cross Cultural Education with an emphasis in curriculum design in 2005, and an M.Ed. in Urban Educational Administration in 2007. Her education background focused on high risk youth and her early students were the initial inspiration that became the framework for the career as a radical educator: student centered, child lead with the priority on head and heart. Married and a Mother of five amazing, tiny and not so tiny humans, Cherina is a perpetual student, a Mindfulness Educator, Community Doula, and a RYT 200 Yoga Instructor. Cherina believer in community and serves as a board member at the Valley Mountain Regional Center serving individuals and families with developmental disabilities, a Community Activist and Child Advocate, an active supporter of the Black Leadership Youth Project – BYLP, the Community Educator & Youth Garden Coordinator at the Puentes Boggs Tract Community Farm and is a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. Mu Zeta Omega chapter. Founder of The Melanin Unschoolers, & The Boho Lotus Life, and Mompreneur of Lilac & Laughter, Sydney’s Sweet Treats and A Black Girl Nerd, Cherina strives to empower parents and students to be the architect of their educational journey, and she supports families in creating impactful experiences in homeschool and traditional education for families of color.
Basically, SHE'S THE BOMB!!
Meet Stephen
Our newest addition to team Stephen has been around for several years behind the scenes. The Director of Governmental Affairs for California Correctional Peace Officers Association (CCPOA) Stephen knows a thing or two about advocacy and the legislative process. An accomplished actor in his spare time, his infectious voice brings a calm, which balances out Ms. Pryor's crazy. If that wasn't impressive, he brings a breadth of knowledge surrounding childhood abuse/trauma as the Chairman of the Board at Child Abuse Prevention Center. We are excited to officially welcome him to the Squad!!
BYLP Student Ambassadors are students who are well-respected, successful academically, and demonstrate leadership characteristics within the school setting. They are a group of students who are given support in the development of leadership, organization, communication, public speaking, and problem solving skills as they serve to combat the negative stereotypes often used to describe Black students.
Upcoming Events
September 14, 2019
U-CAN's Annual HBCU College Fair at Monterey Trail High School in Elk Grove, CA. It is important that students register for headcount purposes. We don’t want them to eliminate this event for Elk Grove students so SHOW UP and show them we take education seriously. Make sure to dress today for the career you want tomorrow. REGISTER HERE
Students can apply to 55 HBCUs using the common app.
September 21, 2019
(3rd Saturdays Breakfast is Cancelled)
The Sonoma County Black Forum and Sonoma State’s Black Student Union proudly host the 2019 Youth Summit with Keynote Speaker George Hofstetter!!! The event will be from 9 am- 5 pm, with a College & Career Fair from 12 pm - 3 pm.
September 28, 2019
BYLP G.O.A.T will be in full effect. We are assessing leadership qualities and checking in about your first couple of weeks in school & how you’re doing on using your planners. Seniors we want to hear all about your college fair experience and what HBCUs you got accepted into!! State Capitol, Room 4202 from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm.
September 29, 2019
We are searching for coats for all ages.
If you have gently used coats or if your parents are willing to purchase new coats please bring them out to the
Fall Concert/Winter Coat Drive. With Winter fast approaching, it is imperative that we provide for the people in our community. Come one, come all!!