Join other student participants from across California for a student-run experience on Leadership and Politics.
Parents, Guardians and Student Participants will need to complete the following:
The event will take place during regular business hours between 8 AM – 5PM.
PROFESSIONAL ATTIRE IS MANDATORY: black/grey bottoms preferred, absolutely no mini-skirts, t-shirts, sneakers, flip-flops, stilettos, hats or sweats. BYLP shirts will be provided to each participant. If there is still any uncertainty about professional attire, review the following presentation:
The morning of, please enter the Capitol from L Street. Registration will begin at 8:00 AM; please arrive promptly. The program will begin at 9:00 AM. Participants will be expected to be familiar with the bill packets for argument & discussion. BYLP bill packets should be reviewed in advance and can be found below:
Bill # 1
AB 3121 (Weber) - Task Force to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African Americans.
AB 3121 Fact Sheet
Bill #2
SB 206 (Skinner) - Collegiate athletics: student athlete compensation and representation.
SB 206 Analysis - Assembly Committee on Higher Education
SB 206 Analysis - Arts, Entertainment, Sports, Tourism and Internet Media
SB 206 FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions
How a Bill Becomes Law in California

Please note: While we ask about food allergies & dietary restrictions, the food provided during the our programming is not prepared by BYLP and is prepared by third-party vendors. BYLP cannot guarantee preventing cross-contamination or meeting various dietary restrictions (e.g. food allergies, vegan diet, etc).
BYLP does not assume liability for adverse reactions to foods consumed and prepared by third-party vendors.